AscendoSoft Automation Utilities

AccurSee Suite

AccurSee tools provide valuable information to keep your critical applications in sync and batch operations running smoothly. Shorten your batch automation testing cycle and improve the quality of production automation.

  • Automation Comparison Analysis for AppWorx (formerly Applications Manager)

  • Proactively see differences between AppWorx and Fiserv DNA

  • Compare and manage differences between two Fiserv DNA batch environments

Widgets for AppWorx

Widgets solve common everyday tasks that can be difficult to automate or that you never quite find the time to focus on. Solutions for:

  • WinZip (compress/decompress files)

  • SQL Server (such as Data Warehouse and CCM)

  • PGP (encrypt/decrypt files)

  • File Actions (move/copy/xcopy/rename/delete files, create/remove directories)

  • WinSCP (secure file transfer)

  • PowerShell (automate PowerShell scripts)


Auto-RC extends AppWorx and Automic by securely allowing end users and administrators to remotely launch, manage, and control jobs and reports from a tablet or mobile phone anytime, anywhere using Microsoft Teams or email.